YK Window Treatment, Jackson, New Jersey
Our goal is to create your dream! We do all types of window decor, curtains, and window shades. We have a large selection of wallpaper, of all textures and colors. Visit us at ykwindowtreatment.com or give us a call at 718-831-2879 for all of your window treatment needs.
Design By Judy, Manchester, New Jersey
It all starts with a vision, let us help make it reality! All types of Renovations. Interior decorating. Color consulting. Working with every budget.Judy Mandelbaum 646-734-0204 judy@designbyjudy.com designbyjudy.com
Plumbing, Lakewood, New Jersey
For all your plumbing needs.Reliable & convenient scheduling.Real-time text communication.Professional & courteous service.Upfront price quotes.Real service on-time!Call/Text 732-314-1082 realtimeplumbingnj@gmail.com
Mr. Ryan Painting, Lakewood, New Jersey
Exterior and interior painting service. Commercial & Residential. Free estimate. 848-245-2118 www.mrryanpainting.com mrryanpainting@gmail.com
Vinyl Floor Deep Clean, Toms River, New Jersey
Vinyl Renew wil give your vinyl floors the deep clean it needs. Your floors will look brand new. Reach out to us for some amazing “before & afters” from our happy customers.Shuls Stores Offices Homes Between Tenants848-240-4459 vinylrenew@gmail.com
Windows, Furniture Glass Tops, Shower Enclosures, All Things Glass, Lakewood, New Jersey
SAPPHIRE GLASS & MIRROR – We repair most windows. Double insulated glass. Window replacements. Furniture glass tops. Shower enclosures. All types of glass. Screens. Avrumy Engel 718-354-9530 email: sapphireglassmirror@gmail.com