Prizes, Lakewood, New Jersey
Avos Ubanim, Chol Hamoed Programs, and Simchas Torah PrizesGet the most for your money.Free deliveryDAILY DEALS ON 2NDCALL OR TEXT 732-569-7876
The VacayWig, Inwood, New York
It’s finally here! The VacayWig is the perfect shaitel for your vacation. Super affordable, easy to use, light on your head and…yes, it even looks great! Cheaper then a wash and set! Only $49 Yes really! For the grand opening, is offering a super cute cap or beanie free with every wig, […]
Sukkah Exchange, Lakewood, New Jersey
At No Cost to You! The Yom Tov of sukkos is coming with all its cooking, building, and shopping. Yet, some people are stuck at square one. Where will they get a sukkah from? For many, the cost of even a basic sukkah makes it impossible to buy their own sukkah L’kavod yom tov.But you […]